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Topological Sort

  • Video source
  • Topological sort algorithm can find a topological ordering in O(V+E)
  • A graph with a cycle can not have a valid ordering
    • only works on as-cyclic directed graph(no cycle)
  • Topological sort is not unique, there can be multiple ordering.
  • Real world application
    • Course scheduling
    • Program dependencies think npm libraries
    • During program compilation

Topological Ordering of a Tree

Ordering of a tree is basically a reverse BFS/level-search….starting from leaf nodes and going up.

Topological Sort Algorithm DFS Version

  • Pick an un-visited node
  • Do DFS on starting with node…visit only un-visited nodes
  • On the recursive callback of the DFS. add the current node to the topological ordering in reverse order.
def topsort(graph):

N = graph.numberOfNodes()
V = [False]*N
ordering = [0]*N
i = N - 1

for at in range(N):
if V[at] == False:
i = dfs(i, at, V, ordering, graph)

return ordering

def dfs(i, at, V, ordering, graph):
V[at] = True

edges = graph.getEdgesOf(at)

for edge in edges:
if V[] == False:
i = dfs(i,, V, ordering, graph)

ordering[i] = at
return i - 1

Topological Sort Algorithm BFS Version